Wednesday, December 3, 2008

EWS- A learning experience

This course was surely a learning experience.
If we talk about grammar though we had done much of the grammar in our school but obviously it was not in that much detail. So besides serving as a revision we got to learn a lot of new things as well in grammar.
Writing essays and stories was not easy before but going through good and helpful tips of writing creative and other essays in the ews class helped us alot. It brushed up our skills of writing.
Though sometimes the class used to get boring when maam. bina shah used to get into 'DETAILS' of grammar..... but when she used to immitate us and crack used to bring smiles on our faces.
And obviously my favourite class was the one in which we presented our advertisments. It was hilarious. Well, overall we learnt alot from this course and it was surely a learning experience. I hope I get a good grade in my final paper and also hope that one day I'l write like BINA SHAH! :) lol.....

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Shooting an Elephant

Enemy is a person actively hostile to another. In George Orwell's story " Shooting an Elephant" we come across the hatred and hostility nurtured by the British and the Burmese against each other.
Burmese considered British as their enemies as they had occuped their territory and imposed the most tyrannical rule on them. They exploited their rights and degraded them. On the other hand British considered burmese as their adversary because the Burmese felt that the Britsh were an unjust opressor on them for which they hated the British like anything and were in a constant struggle to force them out.
As far as the elephant is concerned, the Burmese considered it as their enemy and wanted to kill it because he had turned violent. Similarly, George Orwell himself posed a threat to the elephant, who was equipped with a weapon and was ready to shoot it.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Mother's Struggle

'' (A big yawn)...Why the hell on earth do I have to wake up and prepare sehri...I wish there was a fairy godmother who would prepare food and give it to us on bed! Huh....

Wake up Zain! Wake up Bilal! Wake up Areej!'' mother yelled.

But there wasn't a single sign of movement.

She goes to the kitchen and starts preparing sehri and continuously keeps on murmuring '' Areej...a born princess...She is 19 years old now but is good for nothing. She is of no help, she is having her beauty sleep while I am crazy here cooking food for the whole big, 4 members family...Bilal!..Zain!...'' she continues her struggle of waking up her kids.

She rushes into their bedroom, ''Wake up! Twenty minutes are left! Areej, my darling, my sweet heart (she speaks in a low tone) WAKE UP!!!'' (She shouts)

''Our neighbors would wake up but you guys are so stubborn! It seems as if I am talking to spirits''

''Mom I don't feel like eating anything, I'll keep roza without sehri.'' said Areej.

''Then who'll eat the food I've made for you…dogs?...huh…wake up! This is the last time I am waking you guys up. Only ten minutes are left''

Finally kids showed some movement and woke up. They ate up sehri as if it was the biggest obligation on earth. As soon as they did so, they headed straight towards the bed.

'' Oh my god...wont you guys say your prayers… what has happened to today's youth, Allah doesn’t need such fasts in which believers don’t pray….''

And she went on and on. She kept on giving lecture to… minute! Whom was she giving this lecture to? As a matter of fact while the poor mother kept on chiding her children, the apathetic children were already half way through their sleep! =)

Sunday, August 31, 2008

xx Self intro xx

Aaah finally i've created a blog!!!!! :) Anyways...
hi! This is areej. I was born in Jeddah and i've spend my childhood there. Whatever time I spent in Jeddah, it was surley one of the unforgettable period of my life. It has almost been 9 years now in Karachi but even today if I get a chance to make a choice between Karachi or Riyadh (this is where my dad is now), I without even thinking twice, would prefer to live in Riyadh!
Well, I did O-levels from 'The City School' and then did my intermediate from 'D.A degree college for women'. And now I am doing media sciences. Its a completely different life in uni, its fun too...but at the same time i cant wait for my uni to get over!! I am dying to see myself after 4 years working in some good adveristising firm or a company and earning around 1lakh per month =D (well, we all have a right to dream, right? :p)...heeeewww....its a long.. long way to go!!!